Thursday, May 23, 2013


So I never thought of this blog being anything really too personal about myself.  I really just want to share my professional opinions, experiences and hopefully common interests with other people.  I've been through a lot in my life and have grown so much in the last 5 years.  I'm in a relationship now with someone I never thought possible, but he ends up being my love for the rest of my life, now don't get crazy, I'm not really one for personal mushy shit but, shit is real.  We've been through some of the most craziest shit together, good and bad, back and forth, side to side and mos def corner to corner - still to come out good in the end.  Relationships are hard as fuck, for some it's too much, for others it creates balance and possibly what is needed.  Now I'm no Dr.Phil, just something I know of and I'm sure others can relate to and just to let you know, it's ok, you're not the only one.  I've realized my "ideal" Prince Charming might not be so "ideal" for me in the first place and I've had to update him and modernize him (I got that off Friends With Benefits).  I ask for permission to do things that I normally wouldn't ask permission for because like me and my cousin Tim say "I do what I want!" hehehe, anyway, I'm just saying that the world works in mysterious ways and things mos def happen for a reason.  I have so much respect for this man, my sister was right, he puts me in check and some of us need that.  Again, balance for me is key.  Understanding and being completely comfortable and secure with myself is the only way this is going to work,  I was never this confident or self preserved before, but I'm finally the woman I have always wanted to become and I'm thankful.

I work at BOCZ SALON,  in Seattle and I love it!  I've been doing hair for 13 years and have worked at almost a dozen salons and I have to say!  I have finally found what I've been looking for!  I never really thought of hair as anything creative, amazing or even exciting.  I just thought I was pretty ok and I'm good at what I do.  Since turning the new leaf in my life after moving back from LA and with the sudden shift and complete change my life had taken, HAIR turned out to be the greatest accomplishment in my life.  I fucking love what I do.  Working at Bocz has opened my eyes to the endless possibilities of where hair can take me.  So I started dabbing into Editorial looks.  I love it.  I had the opportunity to train with the best and still wanting to learn and do so much more.  I've had taken classes from ORIBE, Ramona Esbach and have assisted Adam Livermore, just to name a few.  I've had the great pleasure of experiencing New York Fashion Week for 2 seasons and looking forward to many more.  Before I had the opportunity of going to NYFW, I had set the goal for myself on a vision board a year before I went.  That's how crazy shit works.  That is so crazy to me, I believe you put your best energy out there, say what you want, work hard for it and shit works in mysterious ways. I will be going to Miami next month for Oribe's Backstage event, this is going to be so much fun and inspiring - not to mention some sunshine! Stay tuned for pic's!  Basically I do what I love - I DO HAIR!  and I pretty much rock the shit out of it.

Every Tuesday and Thursday I have hula practice, now before I go to hula but right after work, I drive from Downtown Seattle to West Seattle, then from West Seattle to Federal Way (it's a lot of back and forth shit - and it's about 15-20min. to and from each destination).  Now my Tutu "grandma" has dimensia and altzeimers, so her and my grandpa (I call him Dad) come with me every Tuesday and Thursday cause I know they miss being in the Hawaiian community, plus it gets them out the house for a while and gives my Aunty a break.  Anyway, every time I pick them up, it's a party.  My poor Tutu, she see's street lights over the freeway and she thinks they're planes coming in (she used to work for United Airlines - when it was the shit).  My grandpa has been falling asleep lately on the way there, then too tired to walk inside so I leave him in the car to nap.  My Tutu asking me if we turned off the stove - every 3-5min.  It's hard watching the people you looked up to for so long, age and become dependable on you.  Whether it's helping them in and out of the car, on and off the toilet, making them food and making sure they take their meds - even though if it were up to me I'd just feed them edibles (the "pakalolo"), I'm just saying, I've done it and they had the most normal conversation in a really long time.  I love my grandparents, I hope, dream and wish they stay long enough for the certain things in my life.

I just wanted to share with you that I HAVE THE BEST LITTLE SISTER EVER!!! I'm really serious, my sister and I have the best relationship ever.  She is my best friend, my reason for living (ok, maybe a little too dramatic), she really is my sunshine and my guardian angel - real shit.  She's seen and been thru the worst with me and knows every inch of my life.  I couldn't be more blessed.  This young woman is really my everything.  For being 13 years apart, who would've known we would grow so close.  I always tell people, we're like twins but 13 years apart, she really is the Yin to my Yang (corny but whatever).

Just some deep thought on a Wednesday night... Hope you have a great rest of the week and stay safe over this Memorial Day weekend!!!


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