Sunday, May 12, 2013


Hey ladies!!! Ok, so here's the 411 on dressin' your man for any occasion.  Don't let their awful style reflect your's.  You guys are a team, you might not have the same clothes and the same colors on, but you reflect each other.  It's great seeing couples that have a great sense of style and how well they compliment one another's look.

Before we get started, first off here is a very important thing to remember...

There is a time and place for SWAG and CLASS.  Fella's get with the program!  Now is the time to dress to your real size, not too small (like super skinny jeans) if I can't fit into them (or even CAN fit into them) then you needs to re-evaluate the situation, not too big or baggy either, the 90's are over and there is no need to dress big and or baggy anymore cause all that's gonna do is make you look bigger than you really are.  The tip is to dress appropriately for certain occasions.  

Ladies, take some notes and tips.  Check out some of these examples that can help you dress your man... GQ Style.

Here's a take on some of my fave celeb males.  I love the silver hair'd fox Mr. George Clooney, he can never go wrong in a classic tux.  Javier Bardem is working this all blue casual'ish suit, he's Javier Bardem, I really don't think he can make anything look bad.

I love the causal looks here by these fine fellows.  Kellan Lutz is probably the perfect example of what I would have my BF wear on a causal day.  Chris Pine is rockin' the simply stated casual look, sweater cardigan, v-neck, and black jeans.  I love the simplicity of his look, it makes a statement and would definetely make my head turn.  Then there is the oh so stylish, fine and handsome as ever David Beckham, I mean really, anything he wears makes me swoon and looks great as always. Love him.

I'm a sucker for a man in a suit, especially when it's well made and well tailored.  Every man needs a good suit.  I really love the look of 3-piece suits, especially on my BF.  They give some what of a classic look, like The Great Gatsby, which is my favorite era.  Finding a really great suit is essential, the fella's might not want to admit it or yield to it, but once they put on a really great suit, they feel and look like a million bucks, I know mine always does.

Keeping balance as a stylish couple is important, you don't want to out shine one another or over do it.  Remember, DON'T GET CRAZY!  Have a sense that you don't need to be too matchy-matchy, you're not going to twin tolo or anything.  My moto is keep it simply stated, elegant and classy.

The pic above was taken at my salon holiday party. I wore a short grey strapless dress with red satin heels.  Kept my hair simple and straight since I had a lot going on already with my outfit.  I wanted to tie in and pull a little of the red from my BF's tie with my heels and the grey from the suit with my dress.  But yet his black shirt simply off set the style between us, since I didn't want to wear anything black or that would be too matchy, again, don't get crazy, it's not twin tolo.

The pic on the left was taken at his cousin's wedding.  I'm not really a fan of short sleeve dress shirts,  I usually prefer the rolled up sleeve's look.  But since my BF is naturally a hot box and get's hot really easily and radiate's heat like a furnace, I decided to pick and choose my battles, settling for the short sleeve.  Which doesn't look bad and he was quite comfortable, finding a happy medium between the both of us being comfortable is important. I kept it pretty casual and went with a tan/nude look, wearing nude heals.  It was a slightly nude-pink'ish dress so I wanted to tie that in with the little bit of pink he has in this tie.  On the right, was a co-workers holiday party.  I wanted to go for a little more festive but something that we would both feel comfortable in.  So I went for black and gold, my fave color palette.  This is probably one of my favorite outfits we have worn together, with the all black suit and black, gold, grey tie and my all black dress with gold accents, nail polish, watch and jewelry.  I had black and gold Chanel heels on which rocked the shit out of this outfit.

Anyway, I hope this helps out some of you ladies with the dreadful wardrobe your man thinks is appropriate for everyday and certain occasions.  Depending on your man's style, personality, body shape and type, depends on where to shop.

Have great style and a great week!


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