Monday, May 6, 2013


Ok friends, I know it can be challenging to look for a new hair stylist.  If one is not referred to you by your most recent stylist, then you're kinda of looking for a needle in the haystack.  I'll give you the low down on looking for a hairstylist that would possibly fit all of your hair needs, wants and desires.  Now don't get it twisted, we are NOT miracle workers, we can't change the fact that you might want a full head of thick, long, shiny, gorgeous hair that will do whatever you want it to do, if you have frog fur for hair, then sorry, that's what we're going to have to work with.

1. Look for a hair stylist that has great style or at least style that inspires you.

2. If you can look at some of their work on line, like a portfolio, that gives you an idea of what their creativity is like.

3. Read their bio if there is one available to you, that way you can read what their specialty is, what inspires them and maybe even what their personality is like.

If any of that sounds good to you, then you're on a the right track.

If you don't get along with your hair stylist then your f*cked from day one, because if you think about it, you are establishing a relationship with this person.  A relationship requires trust, in any relationship, you are trusting this person to do what you want them to do and/or trusting them to make you feel and look your best.  Plus, you need a good relationship with your hair stylist to communicate properly, so that there is no miscommunication and/or misunderstandings.  You can end up with some crazy hair through lack of communication.  Everyone, please understand that if you have super thick hair, please let the people booking the appointment know of the situation.  Because there is nothing worse then booking your appointment and they don't have enough time to finish your hair because they're running past the initial appointment time.  You end up with some half dried, frizzy, dull blow dry and style looking like 'ish becase you got some crazy long hair that should've been booked for either a 2 hour appointment or at least an hour and half.

For my peeps out there with mad control issues about your hair.  As a hair stylist, we all have control issues, but you people needs to be a little more realistic with your hair.  Understand that if you are a bald headed step child and have no hair, we can't make it grow back.  If your bored with your hair and it's cut crazy short then SORRY! Gotta wait for it to grow back, again, WE CAN'T MAKE YOUR HAIR GROW!  If your hair is dark brown and you want to be blonde AGAIN, but you were blonde just 3 months ago, you might be lucky to have any hair left by the end of the service, especially if you want it done all in one sitting.  There is this thing called "the transition process", this process happens when you're growing out your fringe/bangs, when you're growing your hair out from short to long, from going from dark brown to super blonde and for some of my silver hair'd foxes, from going from colored hair to silver/natural...  STOP COLORING YOUR HAIR! I'm not a fan of coloring your hair completely when you are of certain age and gender, if you are a male over the age of 50 and you are still coloring your hair, STOP, it makes you look like an ageist and looks like someone isn't being realistic with themselves.  If you don't want to go all over grey, that is totally fine, go for a softer approach and sprinkle some pepper in your hair if you're not feeling the salty look entirely. It will be a transition to go grey, but BELIEVE ME, it will look SOOOOOOO much better.

Ladies, you have to know that a lot of the pic's you bring in are great!!! Visuals are always a plus, just remember, the chick's hair you're looking at most likely has extensions, they have a beauty squad that made them up that way, they actually put time in their look.  If you are a wake up and go kinda person, then Kim Kardashian's or whoever's look is not for you.  Be realistic with what you are willing TO DO and NOT DO with your hair.  Once you figure that out, then you're already ahead of the game.

Have a great week friends!!!


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